My actual birthday fell this past Tuesday, which was a busy workday as usual. Although I spent the morning sending emails and making lesson plans, by the time we got to Apoyo Escolar (our after school homework help program) in the afternoon I had received many "Happy Birthday" wishes- from all the PD's, and, to an even larger e
xtent, from the kids at programs who seemed determined to surprise me with gifts and homemade cards. Melissa and Dennis brought a stuffed animal (that we think is something between a giraffe and a cow) which they gave to me as soon as I got there, and the kids who finished homework early spent their time making me cards with paint, construction paper and markers. It was very cute.
After Apoyo, Seth and I walked down to Alinambi where we had a meeting about a Sewing Workshop project. Inside the gate, all the women were gathered in a circle around a piece of wood and a large bag. My curiosity really peaked though when Sarita came outside carrying a large machete. Turns out, inside the bag were a bunch of cow legs (yes- cow legs) severed right below the knee, some still with fur, and the mach
ete was for hacking them into pieces to make soup. It's always something! As the meeting would no doubt be starting late, Seth got roped in to helping cut the bones despite his protests and somewhat green looking face. Two hours later, we started off for home in the rain and were welcomed by a fantastic dinner of pumpkin-sausage pasta (thanks Serena!).

Wednesday was when we had decided to celebrate my birthday at the house. It was my cooking day and I had been waiting to make a pumpkin spice cake using the canned pumpkin mom sent from home. So after another typical day of work and programs, I got to work in the kitchen with the help of my sous chef for the night- Tyler (Seth's friend from the Peace Corps who stayed with us for a few days). After dinner, Holly
shoo'd me out of the kitchen and proceeded to adorn the cake with 23 candles which she brought out as everyone sang a lovely chorus of the birthday song. After blowing out all the candles in one try (yessss!!) and carefully licking the icing off, I got a face-full of cinnamon-pumpkiness (thanks Mark) followed by a pile of presents from my housemates. The presents were nothing less than amazing. They included, chocolate from the states, flowers, glass earrings (to replace ones that I got here and lost), a Jean Claude Van Damme biography in Spanish (huh?), Home Alone 1 & 2, and CD's with new music (does this mean people are tired of my reggaeton??).
We watched Home Alone 1 last night (check out the Daily Life blog for more on that subject), and I'm already halfway through my chocolate. : )
Tonight we are going out to dinner at a restaurant with all you can eat tapas and all you can drink wine to combine October's Manna Meal with the celebration of two birthdays (me and Johanna- who is visiting from Guayaquil!). It's been another awesome week that I'll never forget. So glad I got to spend my birthday this year with amazing people in an amazing country! Thanks to all the MPIE crew for making my cumple so fun!
Until next time